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Cortland Staff Awarded Tenure

The Cortland Enlarged City School District proudly announces the awarding of tenure to three esteemed staff members: Judith Darsky, a High School Psychologist; Roy Pratt, a Junior High School English Teacher; and Devon Tennant, Junior High School Social Worker. This significant achievement reflects their dedication to education and commitment to the well-being of their students.

Tenure, a permanent and guaranteed contract in academia, has a rich history dating back to the 1600s. Its primary purpose is to uphold academic freedom, shielding educators and researchers from potential dismissal due to political or social backlash, as well as ensuring that academic pursuits remain focused on the quest for knowledge rather than external opinions. The awarding of tenure signifies a recognition of the individual's contributions to their field and their commitment to fostering an enriching learning environment. The Cortland Schools community is thrilled to honor Judith Darsky, Devon Tennant and Roy Pratt for their exemplary service and significant contributions to the district. Their hard work and dedication not only enhances the educational experiences of students but also contributes to the overall success of the school community. As the district moves forward, it remains committed to supporting its educators, recognizing their vital role in shaping the future of their students and the community at large.