Cortland Board of Education February 25th Meeting
The Cortland Board of Education convened for its regular business meeting on February 25, 2025, at the Kaufman Center, located at 1 Valley View Dr. The meeting, which began at 6:00 p.m., featured presentations by Superintendent of Schools Bob Edwards and Business Administrator Kris Williamson.
The meeting started with a moment of silence for Mrs. Nancy Jean Coble Governali, a retired JH Math teacher.
Bob Russell and Betsy Cheetham from the Cortland Public Education Foundation awarded grants to Cortland District programs and schools.
The Board of Education recognized our most recent Tiger Paw Recipients; Kristie Buchalla, Vickie Myers and Stephanie Passeri-Densmore.
Mr. Edwards thanked the Cortland Public Education Foundation, and then shared a presentation highlighting topics such as; the art done by Cortland students hanging in the Syracuse Airport, Lego League Meet, winter sports, weekly blasts, committee meetings, teacher teams, parent groups, summer program funding, driver education, district goals and the Cortland County Olympiad.
Mr. Williamson shared a budget presentation going over details on the budget with more details from the state and how they affect the long term projections in the district budget and how it affects the tax levy and other budget details.
The board voted on several budgetary items and the district calendar.
Kris Williamson went over updates regarding; the updating and implementation of new Frontline onboarding resources, Parker information and electric bus day. Kristen Ailport then gave a Special Education update regarding the Cortland County Olympiad. Katie Swanson updated the board on team building with the Vertical Alignment Team and the preparation of the Teacher Center for the professional development day.
The board then discussed the JSHS grading policy and the student appeal process regarding passing failed tests. The board decided to have teachers discuss grading policies and consistent changes that might be made to the system. Brett Barnes updated the board on his trip to Albany to bring attention regarding state Foundation Aid that would affect a significant amount of money to many districts and the difficulties school districts have if they want to purchase a hybrid vehicle for transporting students.
For more information on the Cortland Board of Education and upcoming meetings, please visit the district’s official website.
You can view the agenda and the voting results in BoardDocs or watch the meeting by using this link.