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Here are some helpful activities & ideas I use to help my Kindergarten Intervention students:

Clapping Syllables
I use the following picture cards to clap out syllables or "beats."  This is important to get students to understand that there are parts to words.

Food Pictures
Picture Cards
Zoo Pictures

Letter & Sound Recognition
I have my students create ABC books to work on these skills.  First, we identify the letter.  Second, I ask the students to identify the sound. If they have trouble with either letter name or sound I will give it to them and have them repeat it back to me.  Last, I cut up pictures that correspond with the letter sound to paste on the page.  At first I do 1 letter each day, but as they get the routine down I do 2 letters.  At the beginning of each day we start back at "A" and go over each letter, it's initial sound, and the pictures that begin with that sound.  If time, I will have the kids clap the syllables in the pictures.

ABC Book template
AB pictures
CD pictures
EF pictures
GH pictures
IJ pictures
KL pictures
MN pictures
OP pictures
QR pictures
ST pictures
UVW pictures
XYZ pictures

Additional Ideas:
Any of the pictures can be turned into memory games. When playing memory the child has to tell me what the picture is, clap the syllables and as a bonus I ask what sound it begins with.  My goal is to have them identify the picture and clap the syllables.  You can have other students help produce the initial sound.

**Look for more ideas to come!!!